Quiet and Clean

Rooms and houses that are nice to come home to!

Blue Button


Keep in mind the following

Black bin is for gargabe

Blue bin for recyling

glass, cans, paper

Green bin is for compost

no compost in plastic bags, only in compostable bags
  • Do not put food in the garabage. This includes old banana peels, old bread, old lettuce. Put in the compost
  • Do not put beer cans, pop cans, containers in the garage, put in the recyclying bin(if has lots of food, give a quick rinse with dish clean brush)
  • Garage person is to empty kitchen garabage and bathroom garbages daily. I recommend taking kitchen garabe bag them emptying bathroom garabages into it. Please report any pop cans or recyclable containers or food waste in the garbage to homeowner immediately. Please roll black garabage can to curb on requied day, https://www.calgary.ca/waste/residential/garbage-schedule.html
  • Compost person please check the compost container in the kitchen once a day and empty and replace with a compost bag as needed. Please take green recycing containtor to curb on day required. https://www.calgary.ca/waste/residential/garbage-schedule.html
  • if you use marijuana, you have to store it outside. Reason, it smells up the house, yes even in a supposedly "air tight" container. You can purchase a locker for a reasonable price

  • Garbage chore very easy, just make sure the cans have about .5 metres beside them so the mechanical arm of garbage truck can grab bin. Then the day after garbage pick up, you just have to pull the cart back to side of garage.

    To find out when next garbage pick is, click here