How do you keep the house so quiet and clean and friendly you ask?
you can always try out our houses, we just have one month commitments so
if you don't like it, you are not stuck. We
hope you find these rules make sense
House Rules
- • Quiet after 9 pm. Also, we ask that you don't walk around the house with speaker phone on talking with your friends, please
use a headset. In your rooms, you can listen to movies on your computer and med to low volume, if you want louder use headset. Also for talking on phone,
if you keep your voice down in your room, that is fine. However, if you talk loudly, your voice will carry to other rooms so please use a headset.
- •Do your dishes within 1.5 hours of cooking
- •Do your weekly chore on Sunday Night
- • no cooking after 9 pm
- •SMOKING: no smoking in your room, in the living room, or near any of the house doors.
- •Bedroom cleaning: please don't keep dirty dishes and old food in your room, it attracts pests.
- •Guests over, yes you can have guests over, but you need to fill out a "guest form". Two reasons, we can let your other roomies have a heads up and they are not surprised and prevents partners "moving in". We generally keep one person per room
as it prevents too many using kitchen and bathroom traffic jams
- • we don't provide sheets and blankets and pillows. YOu can buy a set from us and then sell it back if it is clean and in
good shape. Prices subject to change: blankets are $20, bed sheet $5, regular sheet $5, pillow $5, pillow cover $3
- •Bathroom keeping it clean: clean it after you use it. Our goal is that when each person goes to use the bathroom, it is in good condition every day of the week.
So this requires roomies to clean it after you use it. Please rinse the shower or tub out after use.
- • Don't store your toothpaste/shampoo/soap For two reasons below, leave not personal belongings in the bathroom, no toothpaste, brushes, soap, or shampoo. Reason #1, it makes it hard to clean sink area and bathtub area as the cleaning person
has to move all this stuff and then try to put it back where it started. Reason #2 People move out they leave
shampoo and other stuff behind so we end up with a bunch of stuff that belongs to now one.
- •Don't clog the pipes buy removing our "hair catchers". Our drains plug from hair, use hair catchers. If you remove
them, clean them and put them back.
- Each house usually has at least 2 bathrooms, if the bathroom you usually use is busy, you can use
the other bathroom in the house.
- • our goal is to have uncluttered and clean common areas like living rooms and laundry rooms.
To achieve this goal, no personal belongings can be left in the common areas. Common areas can be used for short periods of study and work, but not
for extended periods as is should be a place of leisure
- • Research is very clean, outdoor shoes contain contaminants. Lets to bring this into the house.
Please remove shoes or boots when entering the household, we strive to have a house that is easy to keep clean.
Please make sure that footwear is placed on an appropriate mat or boot tray.
There is no coat closet in the house. Please store in your room.
- •We all want to save money and help the environment, so the following should help
- • Within reason, please turn off the lights when leaving the house or your room when you are not home. Also, when you are not home, turn off your computers and small heaters.
- • House thermostat should not be set higher than 20 degrees C
- • You can have a heater in your room, but, if you do, please use an oil heater as they
are most economical and still heat a room fairly fast, and please turn off when not home.
Move in forms
- •Everyone needs to complete a move in form and a move out form
- •We require 72 hours after check out to return damage deposit. We do not do same day damage deposit return because we are not
going to drive to the house just to do your move out inspection as it is not time effective. If you require this, please do
not rent from us.
- To get your full damage deposit, your current chore must be done well or we will deduct the cost to fix your chore from damage deposit
- •Chores watch you text messages on Tuesday. On Tuesday you should get a text that tells you what to for this weeks cleaning chore is. Tuesday to Saturday, just sort of maintain the area and on Sunday do a deep clean If you are on kitchen, maintenance means emptying the kitchen garbage's almost daily and putting dishes on the drying rack away every night. For kitchen, you are also dish-police, please patrol for roomies who don't do their dishes and tell us via the feedback link
Rental agreements
- •Our rental agreements are 1 month fixed term agreements, we may send you a new rental offer on the th for next month. To secure your room
for next month, you need to return and pay a deposit by the 15th.
- to see how you are doing, log into sweepNsleep and look at your cleaning scores. You can "appeal"
any cleaning score by hitting the "appeal" button
- log into sweepNsleep to sign your rental agreement
Chore info
- • Doing your chore properly is imperative for the house and if you want to continue to live at
- • Please refer to this page to see the requirements for each chore ( ). Look for your house name
- • Recycling person monitor the recycling bin in kitchen daily and take to street container if getting full. Take blue cart to curb
on the pick up date,
- •After cooking, wipe the kitchen stove. Do not leave a greasy stove top behind, it is not the kitchen chore person duty to clean up after you
- • Kitchen, bathroom, compost, recycling, garbage, and snow shovelling chores are not just on Sundays, they are generally as needed so you have to monitor it.
- • Kitchen and bathroom require daily "maintenance" and do a big clean on Sunday.
- • For supplies, when you are on the supplies chore, basically you look around the house, see what we are low in, buy it,
text picture of receipt to moneybackreceipts @ g, and log into sweepnsleep and enter it under supplies, money comes off your
next rental agreement. Another way to say it is, for supplies, the person with the supplies chore should check all supplies and purchase what is needed and
submit pic of receipt to and click on supplies on sweepnsleep
Our daily Cleaning systems
- Kitchen please review video
- Bathroom please review video
Our weekly cleaning systems
- please do your chore on sunday
- chores will be checked on monday, if not completely,
your chore will be done by someone else and you will be charged the cost for it
kitchen info
- we typically don't provide cutlery, plates, pans etc. We can sell
you a set for $50 and we buy back at $40
- • report smoke detector batteries when run out to home owner
- • please be aware of where in kitchen is fire extinguisher
- • guests can stay overnight, please fill out the "guest stay form".
- • please no strangers in the house, if you just met them, don't let them stay
if you are away...
- • For snow shovelling, if you are away, ask for a roommate to shovel for it. Please note snow shovelling needs to be
done within 16 hours of snowfall.
- • for other chores, put out a "ask" on the house whatsapp group. If now one can help, then apartment
renter or homeowner or neatkeeper will cover it
Recycling and Composing info
• There are 3 carts, Black for garbage, Green for Compost, and Blue for Recycling
• The Green Cart program deals with organic wast. Include food scraps, yard waste, and certain paper products.
Do not compost plastics, even if they are labeled as biodegradable or compost able.
Do not compost Meat, fish, and dairy products
•Do not put food in the garbage. This includes old banana peels, old bread, old lettuce. Put in the compost
•Do not put beer cans, pop cans, containers in the garage, put in the recycling bin(if has lots of food, give a quick rinse with dish clean brush)
•Garage person is to empty kitchen garbage and bathroom garbage's daily. I recommend taking kitchen garbage bag them emptying bathroom garbage into it. Please report
any pop cans or recyclable containers or food waste in the garbage to homeowner immediately. Please roll black garbage can to curb on required day,
• Do not put plastic wrap and plastic bags in reclying. Do not put foam packaging in recycling.
Do not put food or dirty containers in recycling
rental agreements
we just do one month term rental agreements, we send new offers out on the 9th of each month. Utilies change each month, we
send all roomies a copy of the bill and divide by number of roomies.
Roomies are required to help us show empty rooms
You will take a turn to buy supplies for apartment. If you staying for next month, we deduct if of your rent when you submit your receipt and record you purchase.
You will have an account set up, we use this to send out new rental agreements and manage supplies and cleaning feedback